Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Living Quarters

In this post I'm going to share with you what I will be calling home for the next 6 months. I'm showing you just the living quarters for right now and will bring to light some of the other aspects of the building as time progresses. So without further avail, check out the virtual tour below...

All in all, not too shabby. I am man subscribed to minimalism and this place certainly accomplishes that. For just under 700 square feet, this is one of the smartest and well layed out single bedroom places I've seen. There isn't too much I'd change with this layout (bigger/mounted TV, better office desk/space, more clothing storage) but again, I'm pleasantly surprised.

Here are some additional stills to get a better look...

Here is the kitchen and some shots of the mini-bar and water purifier. I'm not sure when I'll get enough courage to attempt the water purifier but I'm betting it will eventually happen. That will be a topic of its own.

Again, the living quarters are tiny and bare, but I really enjoy it. Keep things as simple and uncluttered as possible. Near perfect functionality without excess.

Comfortable sleep space and bathroom up close. So there it is. I'll get more shots of the entire builiding over the coming days but just wanted to share the space that is now home.


- Dustin

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