Wednesday, July 11, 2012

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...

Today is the day and final items have been purchased, bags have been packed, and arrangements for the time away have been made. I'm looking at about 24 hours of flight on the lovely American Airlines.

Since I will be in a country that views the cow as sacred, I had to have a proper last stateside meal...

It's going to be a difficult battle without the steak tacos from Chipotle.

As far as packing goes, for a roughly 6 month stint, I think I'm packing relatively light...

I'll be offline for a bit while traveling (unless there is wi-fi on the international flights), but I'll be capturing photos and video throughout via a new toy I picked up...

I give you Pivothead sunglasses, fully capable of capturing 1080 HD video and 8 mega-pixel still shots. In my opinion, these totally blow away the GoCams that you have to mount to helmets, bicycle bars, surfboards or whatever you might be doing. Yes, they are the holdover until Google makes their Glass project product available to consumers, but this is all I need right now.

The glasses work pretty slick. You simply push a button for photos or video, which is located on the glasses.

This magnificent piece of technology will help bring my day to day experiences truly to life.

Welp, time to catch my ride to the airport and get this chapter going. I'm going to miss all my family and friends but I'm sure the time will fly. Bye for now!


  1. Hope first class was good shit buddy! I'll be following you when I can. Training camp starts in a week. Let's go Bears!

  2. It was Willis and have fun at training camp! But the Bears can take a backseat to the Pack all day.
