Sunday, September 9, 2012

Comic Con 2012 - India Style

Comic Con is one of those events that I think everyone should experience just once, even if you are not a comic book fan boy or brony. Other events like this include Bonnaroo, Burning Man or the Texas State Fair. Well this weekend I was in luck as the Comic Con tour made a stop over in lovely Bangalore for two days. Needless to say, with non-work activities at the minimum here, I was all about checking this out.

Prior to getting to this thing, I was a bit scared that I might have set my expectations too high. Anyone familiar with the U.S. Comic-Con in San Diego knows it's full of elaborate costumes, movie star cameos and large film, tv and comic launches or first looks. Well, I did get my hopes up.

When I arrived there were certainly tons of people there which was encouraging, but the content and number of booths was a bit of a downer. While I fully expected a slew of Indian based comics and film, I anticipated there would still be a major footprint of the U.S. industry trying spread it's tentacles across the globe. There was really no presence from the big companies like Marvel or DC. The one international company that had a big presence was Microsoft with a huge Kinect booth that overall I thought was a pretty cool setup. No food or beverage sponsors and no big comic company corporate presence.

I did stumble upon a few cool local artists who had some nice pieces of work, but nothing so nice that I would be compelled to buy and then put in the effort to ship back to the U.S. without destroying it. I did make one purchase though...

Yep, a graphic novel of the Steve Jobs autobiography. Full nerd status here. I figure it will make a great piece of bathroom reading when I return to the U.S. for guests. And for only 170 rupees, you can't go wrong.

But I won't talk about this anymore, check out the video I made with all the highlights from the event below. Cheers!

- D


  1. Good shit buddy!!! You got some mad skillz with the video editing. One thing I'm pissed I missed while in San Diego was Comic-Con...but I did love going down to Gas Lamp District to see all the freaks dressed up. Awesome! Good to see all is well buddy. Keep up the posts!

  2. I am getting crafty with the editing skills. Maybe if this HR thing doesn't pan out I can do video editing for wedding and vacation videos.
