Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wisco Win or Fail?

Wisconsin in partnership with Adidas just released their new alternative uniforms for the big Nebraska game on 9.29.12 and sue me for not being that impressed.

The slogan for the game, "The Quick and the Red" couldn't be anymore off base and just shows you what happens when marketing isn't done by people who know the product. As big of a Wisconsin homer as I am, I can admit they don't have the speed like the SEC or (*gasp*) the PAC-10 so this slogan really should be retracted.

While I don't mind the jerseys and the helmet is meh, the biggest flaw is in the glove design. I think it was Picasso (then Steve Jobs ironically) who said good artists borrow, great artists steal. Adidas should have stole some design from Nike on their gloves. Take a look and what do you think...

This is what they should have done...

Get it? It makes a big W and the catch is you don't see it come together unless you bring them together. Sometimes I just amaze myself and you're welcome Adidas. It's not too late to cancel that order from China.

Now if they could only get "N sucks P" to sell to the students. 

Here's what Yahoo had to say.

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