Monday, August 6, 2012

Pet peeves...

I like to think I'm a pretty mild mannered and patient guy, but if there is one thing that really irks me it's when timing is off. Particularly when there is no notice or call to give a heads up. Well today I found myself somewhat hot after work.

Usually my transportation to and from my residence to work is a decent operation. The mornings are always pretty smooth and sometimes the pickup and return home can be an adventure. The longest I've ever had to wait has been 30 minutes since moving here which I think is a fair buffer.

Well today took the cake and tried the patience... 90 minutes and 2 phone calls. The fact that it's probably not a good idea for me to drive myself to work coupled with the rickshaw drivers dissatisfaction to transport me from the office to home (even when I would be paying them 6x their going rate charged to native Indians for an even shorter distance), leaving me completely at the will of the residence taxi service drives me nuts.

Today this lost time starts being monitored, every single day, and the lost time will be calculated into lost productivity at the end of my trip. Consider this my channeling of the one of my favorite movie characters of all time, Ryan Bingham...

This is how I prefer to operate. I appreciate and respect the heck out this type of mindset. So when my driver asks what time I should be picked up and I say 5:30 pm, 7:00 pm isn't acceptable.

I put the Over/Under on lost time at 45 hours for the entire assingment.



  1. Love that clip bud...great movie! Hope things are going well. Play Manning and the Broncos on Thursday here at Soldier. Will be good to see him from 15 feet away...see how that neck is doing!!!! Price...what's up bud?!?!?!?

  2. Get a pic or two of you can brosef. My boss is a big Denver fan.
